News - Houpu 2024 Technology Conference


Houpu 2024 Technology Conference

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On June 18, the 2024 HOUPU Technology Conference with the theme of "Cultivating fertile soil for science and technology and painting a pure future" was held in the academic lecture hall of the group's headquarters base . Chairman Wang Jiwen and President Song Fucai attended the conference and delivered speeches. Group managers and all technical personnel gathered together to witness Houpu's technological innovation and development.

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Tang Yujun, deputy director of the Technology Center, first introduced the construction of Houpu Technology Ecosystem in the Group's 2023 Science and Technology Work Report , and outlined the important scientific and technological achievements and key scientific research projects in 2023, including obtaining multiple honorary qualifications such as Chengdu New Energy Industry Chain Leader Enterprise and Chengdu Academician (Expert) Innovation Workstation in 2023 , newly authorized 78 intellectual property rights , accepted 94 intellectual property rights , undertaken the development of many key research and development projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology, built the first set of integrated hydrogen production and refueling stations and got product certification in relevant regions, laying the foundation for opening up the international market. She hopes that Houpu's scientific and technological workers will maintain confidence and patience in the hydrogen energy industry, and work hard with the company to move towards a future of infinite possibilities.

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Song Fucai , President of HOUPU, discussed and shared his views on the theme of " Business Strategy and R&D Planning " . He first pointed out that the international environment is complex and changeable, and the domestic economy is still grim. In the face of the current environment, Houpu urgently needs to rethink issues such as " how to change its business methods, adapt to the environment, and find opportunities " . He also hopes that managers at all levels will fully jointly plan the group's strategic choices, development direction, and market positioning to ensure that the direction is correct, the positioning is accurate, the goals are clear, and the measures are effective .

Mr. Song stated that the company's planning implementation path needs to seize the market and expand the scale of traditional industries , while also based on cultivating industries to grasp innovation, focus on research and development, seek breakthroughs , and make up for shortcomings . It is necessary to fully clarify that technology research and development should focus on industrial development strategies to build sustainable competitiveness in the market business . He hopes that Houpu's technology research and development and innovation work can take this conference as an opportunity to find a new positioning and enter a new starting point, consolidate the group's industrial development foundation, promote innovation to lead market demand, enhance corporate competitiveness, and help companies continue to develop with high quality .

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 Dong Bijun , deputy chief engineer of the technical center, shared his views on the hydrogen energy industry and technical planning . He shared his views from three aspects: the trend of the hydrogen energy industry, the advantages of hydrogen energy equipment in terms of cost performance and reliability, and the application of hydrogen energy. He pointed out that the application of hydrogen energy transportation will enter a critical moment of product cost performance competition , and hydrogen heavy trucks will gradually play a greater role . Hydrogen will begin to play an important role as a long-term energy storage and become an important part of the comprehensive energy solution . The restart of the domestic carbon market will bring green hydrogen-based energy opportunities. The international hydrogen-based energy market will take the lead in volume growth, and there will be opportunities for hydrogen-based energy import and export trade .

     In order to commend the scientific and technological workers who have made outstanding contributions to the company and stimulate technological innovation, the conference awarded nine categories of scientific and technological awards.

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Excellent Project Award

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Outstanding Science and Technology Personnel Award

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Personal Honor Award

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Outstanding scientific and technological personnel spoke

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Science and Technology Achievement Award

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Technology Innovation Award

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Standardization Implementation Award

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Science and Technology Award

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Learning Incentive Award

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Expert Contribution Award

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Expert representatives speaking

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At the end of the meeting, Wang Jiwen, Chairman of HOUPU, first expressed his sincere gratitude to all R&D personnel for their hard work and dedication over the past year on behalf of the group's leadership team. He pointed out that Houpu has been practicing the concept of "technology-led, innovation-driven" for nearly 20 years of development. In the face of the increasingly fierce market homogeneity competition, it is necessary to continuously stimulate and create "technological genes".

Regarding the group's scientific and technological innovation work, he required : First, we must accurately grasp the research and development direction of efficient innovation in the industry , maintain strategic determination, and unswervingly implement the science and technology strategy, hydrogen energy strategy, international strategy , and service strategy , and plan and deploy by deepening the layout of the entire hydrogen energy "production, storage, transportation, addition, and use" industry chain . Second, we must strengthen the company's technical support for sustainable development, plan and layout in advance around the industrial chain , form a strategic implementation measure of "goal + path + plan", and achieve new business breakthroughs with the commanding heights of innovation. Third, we must optimize the system mechanism of technological innovation management, continue to broaden the channels for technology acquisition, strengthen exchanges and cooperation with important technical institutions, continuously improve the capacity building of scientific research teams and the reserve of high-end talents, stimulate the innovative vitality of technical personnel, and cultivate new momentum for the development of new quality productivity.

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Carry out offline science knowledge quiz and lucky draw activities

held on this Science and Technology Day created a good atmosphere for scientific and technological innovation in the company, promoted the spirit of scientists, stimulated employees' enthusiasm for scientific and technological innovation, fully mobilized employees ' initiative and creativity, further promoted the company's technological innovation, product upgrades, and results transformation, and helped the company grow into a mature "science and technology innovation enterprise."

Innovation is the source of technology, and technology is the driving force of the industry. Houpu Co., Ltd. will adhere to technological innovation as the main line, break through the "bottleneck" and key core technologies, and continuously achieve product iteration and upgrading . Focusing on the two main businesses of natural gas and hydrogen energy, we will continue to promote the development of the clean energy equipment industry and help promote the transformation and upgrading of green energy!

Post time: Jun-25-2024

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