gas refueling skidFor filling the LNG marine
2gas refueling control cabinetThe LNG-Powered Ship Control System is to control the filling system and pump skid on site. This control system meets the requirements of “separate control of fuel monitoring, control system and safety system” in CCS “Natural Gas Fuel Specification for Ships Application” 2021 Edition.
4FGSSThe Fuel Gas Supply System(FGSS) has the functions of refilling, storage, regasification, pressurization, venting, BOG utilization, etc.
5LNG Marine Filling SkidFor filling the LNG marine
6gas supply skid
7FGSSThe Fuel Gas Supply System(FGSS) has the functions of refilling, storage, regasification, pressurization, venting, BOG utilization, etc.
8storge tankThe storage tank is the container of LNG on site.
9storge tank combine
10unloading skidThe LNG unloading skid is an important module of the LNG bunkering station. It’s used to unload the LNG from the trailer to the storage tank or ship on-site.
11Loading Arm
12LNG-Powered Ship Control SystemThe LNG-Powered Ship Control System is to control the filling system and pump skid on site. This control system meets the requirements of “separate control of fuel monitoring, control system and safety system” in CCS “Natural Gas Fuel Specification for Ships Application” 2021 Edition.